234 William Street, Stayner, ON L0M 1S0
Centennial United Church is a community of ordinary individuals who gather to worship God, to live lives in faith according to the good news of Jesus, who care for one another and the community surrounding the church and who like fun, food and music.
Come pray with us. Come sing with our choir. Come and enjoy our Centennial Friends activities. Come to Centennial for prayer, song and fellowship.
Visitors are always welcome at Centennial United Church. We hope you are able to visit us at a worship service soon. When you are here, please reach out to an usher or someone near you in the pew and let them know you are new. They will be pleased to answer questions and help you get to know our church better.
There is none. Most of us wear 'business casual' but we also have some who
are more comfortable in their best jeans.
Worship begins at 10:30 am and is about an hour long. Coffee and fellowship follow in the Sunday School hall for those who can stay.
Sunday school is coordinated with worship and children go to classes after the Children's Time. Classes run from September to the beginning of June.
Some special inter generational services are held and children stay in church for the entire service.
Parking is available in the following areas:
Along both Oak St and William St. beside and in front of the church, we park at right angles to the road.
There are no lines so we just park as close as comfortable to the last car.
The parking lot at Byng school across William St from the church is also available Sunday mornings.
The main entrance to the sanctuary is through the front doors off of William Street. There are greeters at the front door who are glad to answer any questions you may have once you arrive. Many people also come in the back entrance off the parking lot through the church hall and the round room. The ramp is located at that door. You may have to ask directions if you come in through the hall but do not be shy, anyone you see will be glad to help.
Because Centennial United worships as a community, children of all ages are welcome in worship. Worship each week includes a children's time.
Colouring activities are available from ushers to help children if they become restless. We do not mind if children move around a bit or go over to sit beside Grandma.
Should you choose, your child can participate in worship until the children's time is complete, and then they can attend Sunday School until the worship service is finished.|
If you have a young infant who needs calming, there is a nursery across from the Christian Education Hall. It is well equipped for you with a rocking chair, play pen, high chair, and toys for young children.
The bulletin you receive as you enter the sanctuary will tell you what to expect. The overhead screens will be used during the service for prayers and the hymns. Some parts of our worship are participatory, and worshipers stand at times. These times are indicated in the bulletin and you can follow the choir's lead. If it is difficult to stand – don't.
We believe that a key feature of Jesus' ministry was his radical hospitality and open table. You don’t have to be United Church or even a member of any church to participate in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. There is no age requirement. All are welcome.
Centennial United Church
234 William St.,
Stayner, ON
L0M 1S0
Office Hours:
Tues. & Thurs. 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Office Email:
[email protected]
Office Phone: 705-428-3711
© Copyright
Centennial United Church, Stayner