Sunday School

Sunday School

We welcome children and youth in our work and worship at Centennial United Church!

For Sunday morning worship, children are invited to sit in the congregation for the beginning of the worship service. They are encouraged to join the worship leader in a "time of wondering" following which we offer an all-ages Sunday School just for them.  The lessons in Sunday School usually follow the same scripture reading in the Reflection for the adults but may include special day activities and a focus on Biblical Characters.  This fall we are following the story of Moses!

For special worship services, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter there will be inter-generational worship. On these Sundays, the service is especially designed to reach all-ages and children and youth do not go off to Sunday School.

Each year our Sunday School and Youth raise funds to support United Church of Canada partners through M&S and Gifts with Vision and to reach out into our local community. In this way, they learn how much their generosity matters.  

We look forward to all the special crafts and activities we will do to help reveal God's love in our daily living and for our world, build our faith and increase our joy!  

Going Deeper--What can you see beneath the surface?

Sunday School Summer Fun!

The Keep Going Song

Creating Conversation: Food for Thought

Some Spiritual Practices for Lent

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#HaveaHeart Day

Joining with First Nations Child & Family Caring Society to advocate for transfiguration!

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Snow Celebrations

Finding God in the joy and peace and even the work of our winter wonderland!

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Epiphany Creations

Show your amazing creativity as a beloved child of God!

Share your creations with [email protected]

Messy Sunday School - Just for Laughs
Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Oink, oink.
Oink, oink, who?
Make up your mind! Are you a pig or an owl?

Messy Sunday School Activity--Growing in God's Way
Just as flowers need soil and water, sunshine and air to grow, with your love we grow in God's way!
We were gifted with hanging planters, soil and flowers from Rural Roots Nursery here in Stayner and this is what we did with them! 

Messy Sunday School Activity--Living Stones

You'll Need:

  • a stone/rock
  • paint or permanent markers

In 1 Peter 2:5 Peter tells the early church "like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house." (NRSV)  How can stones be living and how can we be living stones? Impossible right? But this stone Cali made reminds us that with God, nothing is impossible!  

Use your paints or markers to bring your stone to life.  

Share your living stones with Blue Mountain Manor here in Stayner.  When you share love and hope and faith, you bring God's church into the world and far beyond the bricks and stones that build our church--you become living stones!  

Messy Sunday School Activity--Papier-mâché

You'll Need:

  • newspaper
  • a balloon
  • flour
  • water
  • a place to get messy!
  • patience and paints

Blow up your balloon (not too big or it might pop!) and tear up your newspaper into small strips.  Mix 2  cups of water with 1 cup of flour until it is super smooth.  Dip a strip of newspaper in your mix then smooth it onto your balloon.  Continue strip by strip until your balloon is completely covered.  Allow to dry for a couple DAYS (we set ours on margarine containers while they dried) and then paint with your favourite colours and designs.


We made these balloons to celebrate our covenant with the Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council of the United Church who work with us to support, connect and transform our world!

See what else you can transform using Papier-mâché!

Sunday School Craft for March 29th, 2020

You'll Need:

  • a piece of plain or coloured construction paper
  • pencils
  • crayons, markers or pencil crayons
  • scissors
  • someone to help you!

Place your hands with your thumbs together and your fingers pointing away from one another on the construction paper.  Ask someone to help you trace around each hand. Colour your hand prints to look like butterfly wings and then cut them out.

You can make your butterfly come to life by rolling it up with the blank side out and when you unroll it is will look like a butterfly coming out of the cocoon!

When Lazarus came out of the tomb he was like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon.  

Think about all the signs of new life around us and how they give us hope.

Sunday School Craft for April 5th, 2020--Palm Sunday

You'll Need:

  • a newspaper
  • two elastics (rubber bands)
  • a pair of good scissors

Roll up a newspaper and put an elastic at the bottom and one near the middle.  

Cut four slits down from the top to almost the middle where the elastic is.  

Then just pull out the middle and voila! 

You have a palm frond that you can use to wave as you march around in your own little Palm Sunday Parade!

Try shouting "Hip Hip Hooray!" and "Hosanna!" while you jump and play and sing!

Take some pictures of your palm fronds and share them to our Facebook Page - Centennial United Church-Stayner.

Sunday School Craft for Holy Week--Making Palm Crosses

You'll Need:

  • a palm leaf or a long strip of newsprint or construction paper will work in a pinch in those years when there are no palm fronds to be found and no palm trees growing in your sunroom!
  • these instructions!

This can be a hard craft to do (unless you are really great at origami).   On Good Friday, Jesus was put to death on a cross and we find that hard to face and hard to talk about too but it is important to face hard things, sad things, things that make us feel yucky. It helps us to remember and to trust that we can do hard things.  After all God is with us! 

Sunday School Craft for Easter--Making Prayer Flowers

You'll Need:

  • Squares of tissue paper (it does not even have to be new!)
  • pipe cleaners (green if you have them but if not, just wrap them in green tissue paper like I did)

Choose 3-5 pieces of tissue paper and put your prayers into the flowers as you make them, either silently or by writing words, names, and pictures on the petals. Stack your squares of tissue paper alternating corners. Gently push your finger into the middle of the squares to create a tube. Wrap the pipe clearner around the bottom of the tube and fluff the petals.  Find a vase for your flowers to remember your prayers and how praying helps  love grow.

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